Wahlfach Frühjahrssemester 2023
Territorium der Stadt: Venedig
Die Wahlfachreihe «Territorium der Stadt: Landschaft als Ressource» befasst sich mit aktuellen Transformationsprozessen metropolitaner Landschaften in Europa und führt in das landschaftsarchitektonische Entwerfen im territorialen Massstab ein. Auf Basis eines Fieldtrips und kartografischer Analysen mittels GIS erarbeiten die Studierenden konkrete Strategien für die Entwicklung urbaner Landschaftsräume in unterschiedlichen geografischen Kontexten.
Im Frühjahrssemester 2023 fokussiert der Kurs auf die Lagune von Venedig, die sich über 550km2 rund um die Inselstadt erstreckt.
Assistenz: Amalia Bonsack
Wahlfach (052-0718-23 G – 2 KP) und mögliche Vertiefungsarbeit (6 KP).
Die Reise nach Venedig findet am Wochenende des 3. März 2023 – 5. März 2023 statt.
Der Unkostenbeitrag beträgt max. CHF 250.
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- Wahlfach Frühjahrssemester 2022: Territorium der Stadt: Zürich
- Wahlfach Herbstsemester 2021: Territorium der Stadt: Paris
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- Wahlfach Herbstsemester 2020: Territorium der Stadt: Lausanne
- Wahlfach Frühlingssemester 2020: Territorium der Stadt: Wien
- Wahlfach Herbstsemester 2019: Territorium der Stadt: Neapel
- Wahlfach Frühlingssemester 2019: Territorium der Stadt: Marseille
- Wahlfach Herbstsemester 2018: Pairi-daeza: Choreografie
- Wahlfach Frühlingssemester 2018: Pairi-daeza: Umgrenzung
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- Wahlfach Frühlingssemester 2017: Pairi-daeza: Topografie
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- Wahlfach Frühlingssemester 2016: Pairi-daeza: Umgrenzung
- Wahlfach Herbstsemester 2015: Pairi-daeza: Schwelle
- Wahlfach Frühlingssemester 2015: Pairi-daeza: Metapher
- Wahlfach Herbstsemester 2014: Pairi-deaza: Choreographie
- Wahlfach Frühlingssemester 2014: Pairi-daeza: Vegetation
- Wahlfach Herbstsemester 2013: Pairi-daeza: Schwelle
- Wahlfach Frühlingssemester 2013: Pairi-daeza: Metapher
City Territory
The type and the extent of the use of the landscape have changed fundamentally in the last few decades. One reason is that the landscape as a resource is much more intensively used, as illustrated by the strong increase in the destruction of raw materials and material transport as well as the massive build up of infrastructures. At the same time, the level of use in particular areas is also being extensified, which causes fallow land and eventually a return to wilderness. In addition, landscapes are increasingly subordinated to fast-paced and, in part, globally effective changes in mobility, climate, energy and free-time activities. The result is a radical transformation of landscapes, whereby the change takes place inconsistently and unequally.
The historical coexistence and spatial separation of the uses of the landscape up to this point, e.g. agriculture, transport or tourism, are increasingly disappearing. In their place, an operationalized landscape appears in which the informal recreational and sport uses of a metropolitan context are also increasingly enlisted. New forms of ‘parks’ emerge that are no longer clearly comprehensible and classifiable, instead, they spread out temporarily and are spatially diffused over the urban territory.
The driving force behind these developments can be placed on the build-up of the infrastructure network of public transportation as well as on the often chronic overuse on inner city free spaces. The number of recreation seekers expands as a result of the action-radius, i.e. the nearby and quickly reachable available recreational landscapes. This process often takes place informally and results in the overburdening and interweaving of partially contrasting interests.
However, the resulting friction and conflicts carry a lot of potential: Landscapes will no longer function only as economic resources, but will be increasingly recognized as a public resource. A future debate about the kind and modality of their use and the possibility of an integral, democratic development of the landscape as a public good will make this possible.