Diplom HS 2013
Diplomthema A
Diplomthema B
Wohnen am Kluspark
Diplomthema C
Pavillons am General Guisan Quai
Freies Diplom
Produktionslandschaft im Wadi Samail
Zusammen mit Marcel Meili und Roger Diener,
ETH Studio Basel
Agrarstadt am Fusse des Al Hajar Gebirges
Zusammen mit Marcel Meili und Roger Diener,
ETH Studio Basel
Arbeiten der Studierenden
Thema A: Patrick Meng
Thema B: Fabian Lauener
Freies Diplom: Sandra Schilling
Freies Diplom: Stephie Pfenninger
Subsidiary Master’s Courses
As part of the subsidiary diploma of Landscape Architecture, the design approaches corresponding to the focus on task requirements (Topic A: urban development, Topic B: object design, Topic C: construction) will be expanded to include subject-specific aspects. The correlation between the architectural project and its setting will be established. The interplay between design and the urban structural fabric will be examined in order to strengthen an entire concept in which construction and open space are mutually dependent. This examination is concerned with the spatial formulation and atmospheric staging of urban nature areas.
A prerequisite for the choice of Landscape Architecture as a subsidiary subject is a basic knowledge of the tools and parameters specific to open space, for example, as they would be used in an elective (diploma) course or a landscape architectural design. In addition to registering at the Student Secretary’s Office, Diploma students interested in this course must also register by e-mail to Ilkay Tanrisever at the Chair of Günther Vogt.